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NEMS – Compliant By Nature®

National Library recognizes NEMS Environmental work as historically significant

As an environmental services company we have been reinventing ourselves for over 30 years. When NEMS started their operations the founders where focusing their efforts into engineering and field development.

In 1991 we saw the need for change and embarked into our first jobs in the environmental field.

In the early 90`s the oil and gas industry had very limited insight of the environmental impact of their operations. Our first major job within the environmental domain was to provide the oil companies in Norway with insight and methods to quantify their impact. The project was to identify the relationship between the cost and benefit of emission and discharge reduction measures. The program lasted for over 2 years. It was the largest of its kind in offshore Oil & Gas up to this point. NEMS were responsible for both coordinating and creating content for the program as well as overseeing over 14 external studies related to emissions to air and discharge to sea.

The program focused on these specific details:

  • CO2extraction and disposal
  • Hydroelectric power from land
  • Utilization of gas turbine waste heat
  • Co-ordinated, shared power generation
  • Reduction in net energy demand
  • Reduction in NOXemissions from gas turbines
  • Reduction in VOC emissions from offshore loading

Even today, nearly 30 years after this program was completed the work that was done here is still relevant. Many still refer to the compendiums today.

The program resulted in several written compendiums volumes spanning over 2 phases.

The historical significance of this project is still recognized. Today the compendiums of phase 1 have been made available in the Norwegian National Library, as part of their digitalization strategy. We are now proudly able to share these important historical studies with you.

Below you can find links for the compendiums which are available in English and Norwegian. Unfortunately, only available within Norway due to National Library streaming policies.



OLF Environmental Programme : report : phase 1. A : Emissions to air



OLF Environmental Programme : report : phase 1. B : Discharges to sea



OLF Environmental Programme : report : phase 1 : Summary report




OLF miljøprogram : rapport fase 1. A : Utslipp til luft



OLF miljøprogram : rapport fase 1. B : Utslipp til sjø



OLF miljøprogram : rapport fase 1 : Sammendragsrapport



From being a pure consulting business in the late 80´s and the early 90´s. NEMS have now become a market leading software company with environmental domain knowledge in our DNA. 

We are still conducting multiple large studies on behalf of the industry, and will continue reinventing ourselves to be a part of the transition of the offshore oil & gas industry to a more sustainable future.

If you are interested please check out our services page, or maybe take a look at our Software Solutions for more information.



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