
Why develop when you can buy off-the-shelf?

Written by Tom Dagstad | Jan 10, 2023 1:24:00 PM

There are several reasons why oil and gas companies might choose to use small software-as-a-service (SaaS) vendors and off-the-shelf solutions rather than building their own environmental software:

✔ Cost: Building custom software can be expensive, especially for large, complex projects. Small SaaS vendors and off-the-shelf solutions can often be a more cost-effective option, especially if they already have many of the features and functionality that the company needs.

✔ Time: Building custom software can also be time-consuming, especially if it requires the development of new features or functionality from scratch. Small SaaS vendors and off-the-shelf solutions can often be implemented more quickly, as they are already developed and tested.

✔ Expertise: Building custom software requires specialized technical expertise and resources, which may not be readily available within the company. Small SaaS vendors and off-the-shelf solutions can provide access to this expertise and can take on much of the technical burden of development and maintenance.

✔ Scalability: Small SaaS vendors and off-the-shelf solutions are often designed to be scalable, meaning they can grow and adapt as the company's needs change. This can be especially important for oil and gas companies, which may experience fluctuations in demand and production.

✔ Support: Small SaaS vendors and off-the-shelf solutions typically provide ongoing support and maintenance, which can be especially important for companies that do not have in-house technical resources.

Overall, choosing small SaaS vendors and off-the-shelf solutions can be a cost-effective, time-efficient, and scalable option for oil and gas companies looking to implement new software solutions.

For oil and gas operators in need for environmental reporting, use our off-the-shelf solutions NEMS Accounter and NEMS Panorama.

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